Australian and International Pilots Association (AIPA)

The Australian and International Pilots Association (AIPA) is the official and recognized professional association and union representing airline pilots' interests. It primarily advocates for the rights, safety, and working conditions of pilots in Australia and internationally. The AIPA ensures that pilots have fair and competitive wages, job security, and safe working conditions while promoting the highest standards of aviation safety and professionalism.

Key Points about AIPA:

  1. AIPA Welfare provides 24/7 confidential service and support in personal and professional matters.
  2. Membership: AIPA represents pilots from various Australian airlines, including major carriers such as Qantas and other regional and international airlines. Its members typically include pilots in both domestic and international operations.

  3. Communications AlPA provides regular updates to members across multiple platforms, including our weekly newsletter, Insights, access to an app for tailored alerts and news, and their quarterly magazine, Altitude, members get exclusive access to a podcast series 'Stick With It.'

  4. Exclusive Benefits AIPA offers Member Deals on a range of products and services exclusive to AIPA members. AIPA provides a $15,000 death benefit payable to a member's designated beneficiary upon death, separate from any Loss of License product.

  5. Legal and Industrial Representation in disciplinary matters, workplace disputes, and enterprise bargaining. Advocating for member entitlements and compliance with enterprise agreements, awards, and policies.
  6. Loss of Licence Cover AIPA offers a LOL policy that may protect up to 100% of your income for up to two years if you are unable to fly, as well as provide a lump sum thereafter if you permanently lose your license - currently available to JQ, Network, QLink members and NJS Affiliates subject to change.

  7. Safety and Technical Representation in safety interviews, accident and incident assistance. Advocating for aviation safety standards, operations, technical matters, and regulatory affairs. AIPA also promotes aviation safety, working alongside regulatory bodies such as the Australian Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA).

  8. Scheduling 24/7 service providing advice on the day of ops issues, including schedule changes, home transport, standby, and extensions to duties.

  9. National Engagement: The AIPA works in conjunction with Australian Federation of Air Pilots (AFAP) to form the Australian Airline Pilots’ Association (AusALPA). AusALPA represents more than 5,000 professional pilots within Australia on safety and technical matters.

    AusALPA takes an active stake in the Australian aviation industry, participating in inquiries in the aviation sector and contributing members to various industry forums. One of AusALPA’s key objectives is to provide further professional training and education for its safety and technical volunteers, and its general membership, in order to be able to provide effective and efficient representation to the aviation industry both nationally and internationally.

    AusALPA’s working Committees are

    • Accident Analysis & Prevention (AAP)
    • Aircraft Design & Operations (ADO)
    • Aerodrome Ground Environment (AGE)
    • Air Traffic Services (ATS)
    • Helicopters (HEL)
    • Human Performance (HUPER)
    • Legal/Professional & Government Affairs (LEG/PGA)
    • Security/Dangerous Goods (SEC/DG)
  10. International Engagement: AusALPA is also an active member of the global pilot body, the International Federation of Air Line Pilots’ Associations (IFALPA) and AIPA further participates in global Oneworld Cockpit Crew discussions on aviation safety, pilot training, and other critical international matters affecting pilots of The Oneworld Alliance. AIPA coordinates with other international organizations like the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), and International Federation of Air Line Pilots' Associations (IFALPA).

  11. Collective Bargaining: Like many unions, the AIPA engages in collective bargaining with airlines to negotiate employment contracts for its members. This includes negotiating pay, working hours, benefits, and other essential terms of employment. AIPA advocates for pilots in labor rights, employment conditions, safety standards, and regulatory matters. AIPA regularly engages industry stakeholders (airlines, aviation regulators, etc.) and government bodies.

The AIPA is essential in supporting pilots, ensuring their interests are protected, and promoting safe and sustainable aviation practices in Australia and globally.


The Oneworld Cockpit Crew Coalition (OCCC) is the official federation of pilot unions representing the cockpit crews of airlines within the Oneworld Alliance. It serves as a collaborative platform for pilots to address shared concerns and advocate for their professional interests across member airlines.

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