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illuminating safety & industrial issues
Reduced Crew Operations
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We support professional pilot associations, working together to enhance aviation safety, uphold labor law, improve working conditions & tackle related issues. Our mission is dedicated to safety & labor organization.                       

What is Oneworld Cockpit Crew?

Working to provide the best solutions for Oneworld Pilots.

Safety Advocacy

Developing and promoting best practices and policies to enhance aviation safety worldwide to reach 'one level of safety.' 

Upholding Professionalism

Promoting fair standards, fostering accountability, & consistently demonstrating a high standard of behavior, skills, and ethics in airline transport.

Social Sustainability

Creating healthy, fair, and resilient communities where people can thrive now and in the future.

Mutual Aid

We work together, support each other, and share resources to tackle challenges, protect our rights, and improve working conditions for pilots everywhere.

Fair Labor Practices

Protecting workers' rights, providing safe working conditions, and ensuring fair wages to foster the highest levels of skill, ethics and respect in airline transport.


Sharing best practices through benchmarking and information sharing to identify successful strategies and compare performance.
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Member Associations
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Countries Served on Six Continents

Core Issues ON OUR RADAR

Key flight safety & industrial concerns:

RCO: Reduced Crew Operations
SiPPO: Single Pilots Passenger Operations
eMCO: Extended Minimum Crew



The Oneworld Cockpit Crew Coalition (OCCC) is the official federation of pilot unions representing the cockpit crews of airlines within the Oneworld Alliance. It serves as a collaborative platform for pilots to address shared concerns and advocate for their professional interests across member airlines.

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